Hello! My name is Dingkun Guo. I am a Master’s from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. My advisors were Prof. Jeffrey Ichnowski and Prof. Chris Atkeson. I worked on robot manipulation, robot learning, and computer vision.

During my undergraduate at the University of Michigan, Prof. Kenn Oldham was my advisor. We created a small-scale walking-to-rolling robot. I also learned from Prof. Xun Huan on uncertainty quantification of medical imaging AI.

Robot Learning Manipulation Tasks from A Single Human Demonstration

Dingkun Guo, Jianren Wang, Jeff Ichnowski, Chris Atkeson

PhyGrasp: Generalizing Robotic Grasping with Physics-informed Large Multimodal Models

Dingkun Guo, Yuqi Xiang, Mingyu Ding, Masayoshi Tomizuka

[paper] [website]

Leg Shaping and Event-Driven Control of a Small-Scale, Low-DoF, Two-Mode Robot

  • IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH), May 2022
  • IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), July 2022

Dingkun Guo, Larissa Wermers, Kenn R. Oldham

[website] [paper] [code] [presentation]

Lowering The Computational Barrier: Partially Bayesian Neural Networks for Transparency in Medical Imaging AI

  • Frontiers in Computer Science, Jan 2023 [paper]
  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Feb 2023 [abstract]
  • SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, April 2022 [abstract]

Snehal Prabhudesai, Jeremiah Hauth, Dingkun Guo, Arvind Rao, Nikola Banovic, and Xun Huan